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District Grand Priory of Strathclyde

Order of the Temple

Order of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta

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Site last updated  23 August 2020

R E Fra Keir G Brown

District Grand Prior

It is with great pleasure that I submit this first annual report as District Grand Prior. It was a huge honour to be installed as District Grand Prior by Most Eminent and Reverend Grand Master James Robert Hodge and his Officers at Dumbarton on the 19th of January 2019 and I would like to once again thank Great Priory and all who attended on that day.

It has been a very busy first year. Not only within the District of Strathclyde but also with the many new DGP’s being installed and of course the Enthronement of our new Most Eminent and Reverend Grand Master Joseph Stewart Wood on the 4th of May in Edinburgh.

During the year we conducted our annual visitations and attended the Installation Musters. On every occasion we were warmly welcomed and treated. I am very pleased to report that the Grade Work was carried out to a very high standard and I congratulate the Preceptors and their Officers. It was pleasing that most of the Preceptories conducted their own Installations with very few requiring help from the District.

We also had another very successful Joint Muster at St John Glasgow, which is an excellent exercise in extending the bonds of the order.

On the 19th of May we held our District Divine Service in Paisley at Oakshaw Trinity Church and my sincere thanks go to the Reverend Gordon Armstrong for his time and excellent service and to the Preceptory at Paisley Abbey for providing the Refectory. I would also like to thank all who attended especially the Most Eminent and Reverend Grand Master and members of Great Priory. Final thanks go to Very Eminent Frater George Paul for all his help and guidance.

Out with my own District duties I have attended many other Sister District Divine Services and other Musters. Where I have been looked after to a very high standard. While also being a guest at various other Order’s events and functions which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Once again, the District has supported our prize draw with many Preceptories selling large numbers of tickets. This has enabled us to continue to give generously to local charities.

Unfortunately during the year we lost several of our Fraters who will be sadly missed.

I would conclude by thanking the Officers of the District for their continued support, especially the District Grand Secretary Kevin Pollock and the District Grand Treasurer Ian Paul who have worked tirelessly for the District. Also special thanks to the Immediate Past District Grand Prior Robert S. M. Stewart for his support and advice.

On behalf of the District Grand Priory of Strathclyde I tender fealty to the Great Priory of Scotland and the most Eminent and Reverend Grand Master.

Keir G. Brown

District Grand Prior

We are sad to report that our Immediate Past District Grand Prior was called to higher service on Wednesday 29 April when he suffered a fatal heart attack. No further words are necessary except those of his successor in office, R Em Fr Keir Brown.

“My toast tonight is to R S M Stewart , a man whom I held in the highest regard .

I will miss his wise counsel , his dry sense of humour and his company. A true gent and brother. The Great Architect must be in need of advice to have taken him from us . God bless .”

We are sad to report that another Past District Grand Prior has been called to higher service. R Em Fra James Pettigrew passed away on Friday 21 August after a short illness. James was well known across the District and was a well respected and very knowledgeable member of many Masonic Orders. Our lives will be the poorer in his passing.