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The Calendar of Musters is shown below. Musters in Blue indicate the scheduled Malta Grade. Autumn Musters in Red indicate Installations and in the spring indicate the District Visit.

Underlined events link to another page.

District Grand Priory of Strathclyde

Order of the Temple

Order of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta


Advised dates of Preceptory Musters  to February 2020 are listed below. Musters in February to April marked DV indicates the Annual District Visit; those marked DV in October/November indicate the Annual Installation. Proposed Malta Grade meetings are marked KM. Bute Musters are all now at 1.00. Henry Dyer’s March Muster is on the Second Friday instead of the first Friday and Ardgowan meet on the First Tuesday in October, rather than the First Wednesday. The date and venue of the 2020 Annual District Muster will be advised closer to the time.The District Visits from February 2020 onwards will be added in due course.